24 October 2006

Tell me something I DON'T know!

The problem with being all knowing is that people will insist on telling you things you just already know.

For the pains of remaining passive and a sponge to surroundings, one must endure frequent repetitions. It is like a life on a loop.

But the lesser mortals must be humoured I suppose. Those who are built like watering cans: a large cavity where the water can be stored but a spout from which it leaks, spurting information everywhere so that it must again be poured back into the central system. One is either a sponge or a watering can, I find.

Omniscience just isn't all it's cracked up to be.


Anonymous said...

Groundhog Day - they made a film about it. Life is on a loop.

Anna said...

So I'm not alone in thinking this, thank goodness for that. thank goodness for that. thank goodness for that...

Anonymous said...

I turn my back for a few minutes and suddenly there are two blogs in the space of one.

Feel very suspicious that this refers to meal time conversations......