1 December 2009

Once Spent, Be Paid a Visit...

I love Ginsburg. He pretty much wrote each of his poems under the influence of a different drug: LSD, peyote, marijuana, yage... He even wrote 'Yage Letters' when (surprise, surprise) indulging in this mind-expanding illegality.
Of course this is in NO WAY connected to the brilliant story of this beat poet being visited by Blake. Following masturbation, Ginsburg experienced a vision: Blake reciting 'The Sunflower' and 'The Sick Rose' over his contented form. What a happy apparition. Blessed by Blake in bliss.
And, when one thought it just couldn't get any better, our Allen was the one who coined the phrase 'flower power'. Awesome. Listen to his drug-addled genius, with a nasal twang and devilish revelry... http://www.poetryarchive.org/poetryarchive/singlePoet.do?poetId=1547


Geist Bites said...

The last time I actually engaged with poetry- that wasn't Heidegger's absurd rantings- was at A Level.

My ignorance appalls me.

I think I might delegate my poetic opinions to you (and John Underwood).


Ma said...

Oh my word! Ginsberg. Your dad used to like him too......

Ma said...

PS - really don't like the lack of gap between the last post and the comments for the latest blog. But otherwise it's perfect!

Nicky said...

i quite like ginsberg too.he was to dylan what u are to me, anna. a poet minion who only hangs around to bask in my superior poetical endevours.

Anna said...


Ma, what do you mean? Are things moving too fast for you? Got to keep your finger on the pulse in this technological age, y'know!

Max, I reckon I should check out some Heidegger, yes? You should totally read Ginsburg's Howl - just your cup of tea. By the way, we need to call tea 'Truman's now. As in Cockney ryming slang - Truman Capote! Oh, and I miss Underwood...

Ma said...

Anna, I'm talking about the look of your blog.........

Ed said...

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness! :)