HELLO dancing, and quilt races down the stairs, and big fat novels and slim poetry volumes, and whole days spent at the Islington cafe with purple sofas and banquet tables and candles lit at 5.30 and a scorched ceiling from flames and warm chocolate cake and colourful nudes on the wall, just reading, reading, reading...
HELLO Star Wars sleepover, and Rome day, and guilt-free Guardian perusal, and picnics, and hammocks, and actual cooking as opposed to pouring cereal, and Tina We Salute You, and exploring Dalston and Brixton and London, London, London...
HELLO Hop Farm, and ale, and Davendra, and Laura, and Steve.
HELLO miles and miles of smiles.
glad the exams are over then?
YES. NO MORE STUFF WRITTEN BY DEAD PEOPLE. I might be able to complete sentences from now on...
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