8 July 2006

Tradition vs Twits

"Mags! How extraordinary!"
"Oh, Juuulia! I had no idea you would be here!"
"Yah, yah, I'm just up here with Daddy. Knows one of the dons, thought I'd tag along, you know the thing."
"Absolutely. Well, best be off. Do you know where the philosophy seminar's happening? Thought I'd fit it in before Mummy shows me her old digs at Kat's."
"I was wondering if it would be worth stating on applying for English Literature that one has a published poetry anthology in 'Faber & Faber'?"
"If my daughter was wishing to pursue, say, mathematics, is there a particular college that excels in the subject that you would suggest?"
"Would it make a difference to one's acceptance if one had performed works of Shakespeare for one's work experience?"
"Will there be opportunities to explore the intricacies of more recent theorists' texts such as Sartre also?"
And all I want to do is play at being Harry Potter for a bit.


Anonymous said...

The one I heard in the Parent's seminar was "should my son put on his personal statement that he was accepted for a Ukrainian university aged 16?".........plus a load of others that were just showing off! What a day.......glad you managed to keep a list of the "overheard in Cambridge" quotes.

Anonymous said...

Aaaah yes the parallel universe that is Oxbridge...keep your wits about you Anna; we don't want to lose you to the Dark Side...

Anna said...

Do not fear, a girl who has experienced Donnies, Amigo's, and the bum-flashing charms of Hexham on a Saturday night could never be converted.